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The Athens M.A. in Ancient Philosophy

The Athens M.A. in Ancient Philosophy

The Athens MA in Ancient Philosophy is an intensive one-year graduate program offering in-depth knowledge of Ancient Philosophy
and high-level research training in its various fields.

The Program promotes the study of Ancient Greek Philosophy in its entire historical and thematic range, from the Pre-Socratics to the philosophers of Late Antiquity, covering topics in metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, etc. It is the only program in Greece (and among a few worldwide) that focuses solely on Ancient Philosophy as a subject of systematic study and research, laying also special emphasis on the historical background and modern reception of Ancient Philosophy.

The Athens MA is the result of a collaboration between four major Greek universities, which have joined forces to create a highly competitive Program, cooperating in teaching and supervision. Courses will be taught in Athens by professors from Greek universities, as well as by visiting scholars from institutions abroad. Upon completion of the Program, students will be able to conduct both independent and collaborative research and will be well prepared to undertake doctoral studies.

The Athens MA in Ancient Philosophy is offered exclusively as an intensive full-time, in-person program and admits up to 20 students per academic year.

Participating Departments:
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Philosophy and Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Philosophy, University of Patras
Department of Philosophy, University of Crete

The Program’s duration is a full academic year (12 months – 75 ECTS): two Semesters of courses are followed by a Summer Term, during which students will prepare and submit a Master's thesis.

The fees of the Program amount to 1800 €.

Language of instruction is English. Knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin is desirable but not required.

The accreditation of The Athens MA by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (a member of the European Quality Assurance Register) will be completed in 2024.

Timeline: Candidates may submit their applications every year between May 21 and June 30. Classes start on October 1st.

The Athens MA in Ancient Philosophy is committed to creating and maintaining an educational, working, and living environment free from discrimination and harassment. The Athens MA in Ancient Philosophy is open to all students, regardless of their national origin, sexual orientation and social status, and the Director responds to all allegations of discrimination and harassment and takes steps to ensure that each is handled according to applicable policies and legal requirements.