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The Program lasts for a full academic year, from October 1 to September 30, and consists of two Semesters and a Summer Term. During each Semester, students are expected to take three courses (30 ECTS), and during the Summer Term they are expected to prepare and submit their MA thesis (15 ECTS).

The Program consists of five compulsory courses and one elective course (10 ECTS each):

Compulsory Courses:
       101. Early Greek Philosophy
       102. Plato
       103. Aristotle
       104. Hellenistic Philosophy
       105. Philosophy of Late Antiquity

Elective Courses:
       106. The Reception of Ancient Philosophy
       107. Ancient Science and Philosophy
       108. Historiography of Ancient Philosophy
       109. Topics in Ancient Philosophy

Courses are taught in Athens, primarily in person. Each course meets once a week, for a 3-hour session, and for a total of 13 weeks.