Workshop on Textual Criticism

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Department of History and Philosophy of Science

New Building, Room 3


Ad fontes! Textual Transmission and Textual Criticism:

A basic Workshop for students of Ancient Philosophy

Dr. Christina Prapa (LMU Munich)


Description of the Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to provide a basic theoretical background in the field of the transmission of Greek literature, to point out the character of the textual tradition and to explain the principles and tasks of textual criticism.

After the theoretical part we will focus our attention on the “story” behind the new edition of Aristotle's De motu animalium (Primavesi 2023) and, for good reasons, on passages from Parva naturalia (towards a new edition).

The workshop is primarily designed for the students of The Athens MA in Ancient Philosophy. Familiarity with textual criticism is not required for attending the workshop. Students of Classics, Byzantine Philology, History of Philosophy and Theology, and any students more generally interested in getting acquainted with the fundamental principles of using a critical edition and editing ancient texts are also very welcome.

Basic knowledge of ancient Greek is necessary only for the second part of the workshop. (The texts will be also translated.)

Bibliography and further material will be made available during the workshop. We will have access to digital manuscripts too (but you will not get any copies).

For further information, please contact Dr. Prapa: chrprapa[at]klassphil.uni-muenchen[dot]de


10-13 first part (theory)

15-18 second part (texts)